
You can use the scripts located inside the scripts folder for advanced usage of the Deep-Image-Matching pipeline.

Please note that the following scripts are not part of the main pipeline and are not guaranteed to work in all environments. They are provided as a starting point for advanced users who want to customize the pipeline to their needs.

Documentation for the scripts is in progress. If you have any questions, please open an issue.

Check Matches

To visualize the geometrically verified matches, you have two options:

  1. Use COLMAP to visualize the matches (see COLMAP instructions)
  2. Use the script

To visualize the results you can use the script. Pass to the --images argument the names of the images (e.g. "img01.jpg img02.jpg") or their ids (e.g. "1 2") and choose accordingly the --type between names if you specify the name of the image with the extension, or ids if you specifiy the image id. In COLMAP image ids starts from 1 and not from 0.

python3 ./deep-image-matching/ \
  --images    "1 2" \
  --type      ids \
  --database  ./deep-image-matching/assets/example_cyprus/results_superpoint+lightglue_matching_lowres_quality_high/database.db \
  --imgsdir   ./deep-image-matching/assets/example_cyprus/images \
  --output    ./deep-image-matching/assets/example_cyprus/matches.png


python3 ./deep-image-matching/ \
  --images    "img01.jpg img02.jpg" \
  --type      names \
  --database  ./deep-image-matching/assets/example_cyprus/results_superpoint+lightglue_matching_lowres_quality_high/database.db \
  --imgsdir   ./deep-image-matching/assets/example_cyprus/images \
  --output    ./deep-image-matching/assets/example_cyprus/matches.png

The matches are shown matches.png.