Usage examples

DIM as library

DIM can also be utilized as a library instead of being executed through the Command Line Interface (examples in the next section). For an illustrative example, please see notebooks/sfm_pipeline.ipynb.


Basic usage

In this section, we will explore some example usages, beginning with a basic command that defines the working directory containing a folder named images, which houses all the images to be processed, and the pipeline to be used (extractor + matcher).

python ./ --dir /path/to/working/dir --pipeline superpoint+lightglue

If the images are located in a different folder relative to the working directory, you can specify the images directory by adding the option --images.

python ./ --dir /path/to/working/dir --images /path/to/image/folder --pipeline superpoint+lightglue

Pass your camera models and options

DIM stores the image matches in an h5 file and a COLMAP database, which you can locate in the result folders. By default, DIM attempts to orient the image block using pycolmap with the default camera options specified in config/cameras.yaml and the pycolmap parameters defined at the end of If you wish to specify different camera models and parameters, you can either modify the default parameters in config/cameras.yaml or provide the path to a YAML file with the same structure using the option --camera_options.

python ./ --dir /path/to/working/dir --pipeline superpoint+lightglue --camera_options path/to/camera/options/yaml/format

Please, for a detailed description of camera options, see the camera_model section in the documentation.

Skip reconstruction

To skip the reconstruction process with pycolmap or other SfM software like OpenMVG, simply include the option --skip_reconstruction. This enables you to directly access, for example, the database.db file created in the result folder using the COLMAP GUI. You can then proceed with the image block orientation as usual within the COLMAP GUI.

python ./ --dir /path/to/working/dir --pipeline superpoint+lightglue --skip_reconstruction

Pass your options for feature extractor and matcher

The extractor and matcher are specified using the --pipeline option. To view all available pipelines, you can run python ./ --help. If needed, you can modify parameters related to the extractor and matcher by providing a YAML file to the --config option. Examples of YAML configurations can be found in the config folder. Please, see config section in the documentation for more info.

python ./ --dir /path/to/working/dir --pipeline superpoint+lightglue --config superpoint+lightglue.yaml

Image quality and tiling

If the images are high resolution and you prefer to extract features at a specific lower image resolution, you can indicate the image quality (lowest, low, medium, high, highest) using the option --quality (refer to Quality). If the image size remains too large for direct feature extraction at this resolution, you can employ a tiling process to extract features from tiles with option --tiling (see Tiling in the getting_started documentation).

python ./ --dir /path/to/working/dir --pipeline superpoint+lightglue --quality medium --tiling preselection

Matching strategy

With the --strategy option (see Matching strategies for more details), you can specify the matching strategy. For instance, for a brute-force approach:

python ./ --dir /path/to/working/dir --pipeline superpoint+lightglue --strategy bruteforce

For sequential matching, also defining how many images overlap:

python ./ --dir /path/to/working/dir --pipeline superpoint+lightglue --strategy sequential --overlap 1

Or passing your custom pairs:

python ./ --dir /path/to/working/dir --pipeline superpoint+lightglue --strategy custom_pairs --pair_file path/to/your/txt/file

Or using global descriptors to reduce the number of image pairs:

python ./ --dir /path/to/working/dir --pipeline superpoint+lightglue --strategy retrieval --global_feature netvlad

Images upright

Try to orient all images upright for local features not invariant to rotations:

python ./ --dir /path/to/working/dir --pipeline superpoint+lightglue --upright


Prepare a graph visualization in html of matches between images (found in results folder):

python ./ --dir /path/to/working/dir --pipeline superpoint+lightglue --graph

OpenMVG processing

Please see OpenMVG section.